WEEK 2- World Leadership in a Non-American Context: Winston Churchill and Nelson Mandela

Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War 2, replacing PM Chamberlain (a Nobel Peace Prize winner) whose policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany had failed and resulted in Germany overrunning continental Europe. He won the Nobel Prize for literature for his 6-volume memoir of the war.

Some observations from that 6 volume Churchill memoir of World War 2:

Important points about Churchill, as indicated in the book Churchill on Leadership: Executive Success in the Face of Adversity, by Steven F. Hayward, New York, Three River Press, 1998. Each point constitutes a separate chapter in the book, a book which is relevant to business leaders and leaders of other organizations. Quotations and page numbers are from that book.

A non-western perspective: Gandhi (quotes are from Burns' leadership book)

Another non-western perspective: Nelson Mandela (quotes are from website: https://www.nelsonmandela.org/). Mandela was the first President of the biracial, democratic nation of South Africa.

Leadership Lessons from Nelson Mandela: (Quotes are from his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom)