Answer any TWO of the following four questions, and answer them fully and in complete sentences.


1)      The issues of “representation” by public officials of the “people,” and how public opinion may be reflected in public policy are two important concerns. According to the lecture on Hanna Pitkin’s book, what are the five different types of representation, and explain how each operates and give specific examples of each? According to the textbook and the lecturer, what are the five models of how public opinion may be translated into public policy, and explain how each operates? Do you think that America is a true “democracy,” and explain and defend your views?


2)      The lecturer and Don Dillman’s book talk about the advantages and disadvantages of three types of public opinion surveys. What are the 3 cons (negatives) of in-person surveys, and explain why each is a problem? What are the 4 pros (advantages) of telephone surveys, and explain how each is a positive? What are the 5 cons of mail surveys, and explain how and why each is a problem? Do you trust polls to accurately measure the views of Americans, and defend your answer?




3)      According to the lecturer, what are the 3 most important domestic economic priorities of Americans nationally (including spending priority), and why do you think that each is important? Give specific examples of how one of these priorities has affected specific presidential election outcomes. Now give examples of how our national leaders have enacted specific programs to deal with the other two priorities. What are the Mississippi public’s top spending priorities, and what specific laws have the state legislature enacted to follow the public’s will?


4)      How does objective reality (crime rate) affect the public’s attitudes toward the courts and the death penalty, and explain by giving specific examples from the Clinton presidency of the 1990s? What alternative to the death penalty is favored by most Americans today, and explain why? What four specific gun control measures are favored by a majority of Americans, and why would some Americans oppose each? What are six ideologically diverse policies to reduce crime are favored by most Americans, and explain why?