2014 Mississippi Poll Codebook


FOR LANDLINES: Question Hello


 Hello. My name is ________. I am calling from Mississippi State University.   

 Professor Stephen Shaffer at the Social Science Research Center is conducting 

 a statewide study of what Mississippi residents think about important issues  

 facing the state. Your phone number was randomly selected, and your answers   

 will be kept completely confidential. Your participation is voluntary, you    

 may hang up at any time, and if you feel a question is too personal you need  

 not answer it. This interview will only take about 10 minutes.


Are you at least 18 years old?


May I begin?   






 NOTE:  If this is a call back with a name (see above) press 12 BEFORE dialing.

                              THIS IS A CALL BACK                               

 Hello, may I speak with _____ ?  (See screen above for name)                  

 (If respondent is not available, terminate with CTRL-END and enter call back  

 information.)  When the respondent is on the phone, introduce yourself and ask

 if you can continue the interview that was interrupted the other day.  If YES,

 press 1 to continue.  If NOT NOW, terminate with CTRL-END to get the call back




FOR CELL PHONES: Hello. My name is ________. I am calling from Mississippi State University.   

 Professor Stephen Shaffer at the Social Science Research Center is conducting 

 a statewide study of what Mississippi residents think about important issues  

 facing the state. Are you in a safe place to talk over the phone? (INTERVIEWER: WE DO NOT



IF ANSWER IS YES, CONTINUE: Your phone number was randomly selected, and your answers   

 will be kept completely confidential. Your participation is voluntary, you    

 may hang up at any time, and if you feel a question is too personal you need  

 not answer it. This interview will only take about 10 minutes. Are you at least 18 years old?



Are you a Mississippi resident?

IF ANSWER IS YES, ASK: May I begin the interview?



                   Press 1 to Begin Survey.                                   


Question QUALIFE



 Overall, how would you rate Mississippi as a place to live ...                



     1. Excellent                                                              


     2. Good                                                                   


     3. Fair                                                                   


     4. Poor                                                                    


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     6. Refused                                                                


Question LIVCOMM



 How likely do you think it will be that you will be living in your community  

 five years from now?                                                          


     1. Definitely No                                                          


     2. Probably No                                                             


     3. Probably Yes                                                           


     4. Definitely Yes                                                         


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     6. Refused                                                                


Question GETFIN



 We are interested in how people are getting along financially. So far as you  

 and your family are concerned, would you say that you are pretty well satisfied

 with your present financial situation, more or less satisfied, or not satisfied

 at all?                                                                       


    1. Pretty well satisfied                                                   


    2. More or less satisfied                                                   


    3. Not satisfied at all                                                    


    4. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                     


    5. Refused                                                                  


Question WOMHOM



 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Women should take care 

 of running their homes and leave running the country up to men.               


    1. Agree                                                                   


    2. Disagree                                                                


    3. Don't know/Not sure                                                     


    4. Refused                                                                  

Question TRUSTOF



 How much of the time do you think you can trust public officials in Mississippi

 to do what is right?                                                          


     1. Almost always                                                           


     2. Most of the time                                                       


     3. Some of the time                                                       


     4. Rarely                                                                  


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     6. Refused                                                                


Question COMMENT1



 Now I'm going to ask you to rate the job performance of a few political figures

 and state institutions. Rate each of them as excellent, good, fair, or poor.  



                Press 1 to Continue.                                           


Question RATEPRES                                                                           



 What about President Barack Obama?                                            


 Would you rate his job performance as ...                                     



     1. Excellent                                                              


     2. Good                                                                    


     3. Fair                                                                   


     4. Poor                                                                   


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                     


     6. Refused                                                                






 What about Senator Thad Cochran?                                            


 Would you rate his job performance as ...                                     



     1. Excellent                                                              


     2. Good                                                                   


     3. Fair                                                                   


     4. Poor                                                                    


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     6. Refused 




Question RATEGOV



 What about Governor Phil Bryant?                                            




     1. Excellent                                                              


     2. Good                                                                   


     3. Fair                                                                    


     4. Poor                                                                   


     6. Refused                                                                


Question RATEAG




 What about Attorney General Jim Hood?                                   




     1. Excellent                                                              


     2. Good                                                                    


     3. Fair                                                                   


     4. Poor                                                                   


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                     


     6. Refused                                                                


Question RATELEG



 What about the Mississippi State Legislature                                   




     1. Excellent                                                              


     2. Good                                                                   


     3. Fair                                                                   


     4. Poor                                                                    


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     6. Refused                                                                






 What is the name of the United States Representative who represents your      

 Congressional district in Washington?                                          





    1. Incorrect response / Don't Know / Refused                               


    2. Correct Name                                                            






 How interested are you in the coming elections for U.S. Senator and Congress?                  

 Very interested, somewhat, a little, or not at all interested?                 


     1. Not at all interested / Don't Know / Refused                           


     2. A little                                                               


     3. Somewhat                                                               


     4. Very interested                                                        





 How certain are you to vote in the elections this November? Would you say     

 that you definitely will vote, probably will, probably will not, or definitely

 will not vote?                                                                


     1. Definitely will NOT vote / Don't Know / Refused                        


     2. Probably will NOT vote                                                 


     3. Probably will vote                                                     


     4. Definitely will vote                                                    




Question SENPRIM



 If the U.S. Senate Republican primary election was held today, and the candidates were Thad Cochran, Chris McDaniel, and Thomas Carey, whom would you vote for?  Cochran, McDaniel, or Carey? Or wouldn’t you vote in the Republican primary?         



    1. Cochran                                                                   


    2. McDaniel                                                                   


    3. Carey   


    4. Undecided/Don't know                                                    


    5. Wouldn’t vote in Republican primary 


    6. Refused                                                                                                                                 


Question ELECSEN1



 If the general election for United States Senator was held today, and if the candidates were          

 Travis Childers the Democrat, Thad Cochran the Republican, and Shawn O’Hara the Reform candidate, whom would you  

 vote for?  Childers, Cochran, or O’Hara?        



    1. Childers                                                                   


    2. Cochran


    3. O’Hara                                                                 


    4. Undecided/Don't know                                                     


    5. Refused                                                                 


Question ELECSEN2



 If the candidates for U.S. Senator were          

 Travis Childers the Democrat, Chris McDaniel the Republican, and Shawn O’Hara the Reform candidate, whom would you  

 vote for?  Childers, McDaniel, or O’Hara?        



    1. Childers                                                                   


    2. McDaniel


    3. O’Hara                                                                  


    4. Undecided/Don't know                                                    


    5. Refused                           






 If the presidential election was held today, and the candidates were          

 former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the Democrat, and New Jersey

 Governor Chris Christie the Republican, whom would you vote for?

 Clinton or Christie?        



    1. Clinton                                                                   


    2. Christie                                                                  


    3. Undecided/Don't know                                                     


    4. Refused        







 What about your political beliefs? Do you consider yourself ...               



     1. Very liberal                                                            


     2. Somewhat liberal                                                       


     3. Moderate / Middle of the road                                          


     4. Somewhat conservative                                                  


     5. Very conservative                                                      


     6. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     7. Refused                                                                

Question COMMENT2




 Please label the following political figures as very liberal, somewhat liberal,

 moderate (middle of the road), somewhat conservative, or very conservative.   



                Press 1 to Continue.                                           


Question IDDEM



 President Barack Obama                                                         



     1. Very liberal                                                            


     2. Somewhat liberal                                                       


     3. Moderate / Middle of the road                                          


     4. Somewhat conservative                                                   


     5. Very conservative                                                      


     6. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     7. Refused                                                                




 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     


Question IDREP




 Republican Chris Christie



     1. Very liberal                                                           


     2. Somewhat liberal                                                       


     3. Moderate / Middle of the road                                          


     4. Somewhat conservative                                                   


     5. Very conservative                                                      


     6. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     7. Refused                                                                 




 (Repeat response categories if necessary)  



Question IDEOSEN



 Senator Thad Cochran                                                        



     1. Very liberal                                                           


     2. Somewhat liberal                                                       


     3. Moderate / Middle of the road                                          


     4. Somewhat conservative                                                  


     5. Very conservative                                                       


     6. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     7. Refused


(Repeat response categories if necessary)                                                                                                   



Question IDEOGOV



 Governor Phil Bryant                                                         



     1. Very liberal                                                            


     2. Somewhat liberal                                                       


     3. Moderate / Middle of the road                                          


     4. Somewhat conservative                                                  


     5. Very conservative                                                      


     6. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                     


     7. Refused                                                                




 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                      


Question IDEOST



 Attorney General Jim Hood                                                



     1. Very liberal                                                            


     2. Somewhat liberal                                                       


     3. Moderate / Middle of the road                                          


     4. Somewhat conserative                                                   


     5. Very conservative                                                      


     6. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                     


     7. Refused                                                                



 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     



Question COMMENT3



 Now I'm going to ask you about some issues facing state and local government  

 in Mississippi. As you know, most of the money government spends comes from   

 the taxes you and others pay. For each of the following, please tell me whether

 you think state and local government in Mississippi should be spending more,  

 less, or about the same as now.                                               



                Press 1 to Continue.                                           


Question SENVIR


 Environmental programs                                                         



    1. Should spend more                                                       


    2. Should spend less                                                       


    3. Should spend about the same                                             


    4. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                     


    5. Refused                                                                 


 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     


Question SPOOR


Programs for the poor                                                          



    1. Should spend more                                                        


    2. Should spend less                                                       


    3. Should spend about the same                                             


    4. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                      


    5. Refused                                                                 



 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     

Question SSCHOOL


 Public grade schools and high schools                                          



    1. Should spend more                                                       


    2. Should spend less                                                       


    3. Should spend about the same                                             


    4. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                     


    5. Refused                                                                 



 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     


Question SROADS


 Streets and highways                                                          



    1. Should spend more                                                       


    2. Should spend less                                                       


    3. Should spend about the same                                              


    4. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                     


    5. Refused                                                                 



 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     

Question SPOLICE



 Police forces                                                                 



    1. Should spend more                                                       


    2. Should spend less                                                       


    3. Should spend about the same                                             


    4. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                     


    5. Refused                                                                 


 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                      


Question SUNIVER


 Public colleges and universities                                              



    1. Should spend more                                                       


    2. Should spend less                                                        


    3. Should spend about the same                                             


    4. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                     


    5. Refused                                                                 



 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     

Question SHEALTH



 Health care and hospitals                                                     



    1. Should spend more                                                       


    2. Should spend less                                                       


    3. Should spend about the same                                             


    4. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                      


    5. Refused                                                                 



 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     


Question SINDUST



 Industrial growth and development                                              



    1. Should spend more                                                        


    2. Should spend less                                                       


    3. Should spend about the same                                             


    4. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                      


    5. Refused                                                                 


 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     




 Encouraging tourism                                                           



    1. Should spend more                                                       


    2. Should spend less                                                       


    3. Should spend about the same                                             


    4. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                     


    5. Refused                                                                 



 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                      


Question SCHILDC


 Child day care facilities                                                     



    1. Should spend more                                                       


    2. Should spend less                                                       


    3. Should spend about the same                                              


    4. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                     


    5. Refused                                                                 



 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     


Question COMMENT4



 Now I'm going to read some statements about some important issues.            

 For each of these statements, tell me whether you strongly agree,             

 agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.                                        



                Press 1 to Continue.                                           


Question JOBS



 The government in Washington should see to it that every person has a job     

 and a good standard of living.                                                


     1. Strongly agree                                                          


     2. Agree                                                                  


     3. Disagree                                                               


     4. Strongly disagree                                                       


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     6. Refused                                                                


 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     

Question DOCTORS


 The government ought to help people get doctors and hospital care at low cost.



     1. Strongly agree                                                         


     2. Agree                                                                  


     3. Disagree                                                               


     4. Strongly disagree                                                      


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     6. Refused                                                                



 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     




Question BLHELP



 The government in Washington should make every effort to improve the social   

 and economic position of blacks and other minority groups.                    


     1. Strongly agree                                                          


     2. Agree                                                                  


     3. Disagree                                                               


     4. Strongly disagree                                                       


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     6. Refused                                                                


 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     


Question AFFACT


 Because of past discrimination, blacks should be given preference in hiring   

 and promotion.                                                                


     1. Strongly agree                                                         


     2. Agree                                                                  


     3. Disagree                                                               


     4. Strongly disagree                                                       


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     6. Refused                                                                



 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                      

Question ISOLATE



 This country should pay more attention to problems at home and less attention 

 to problems in other parts of the world.                                       


     1. Strongly agree                                                         


     2. Agree                                                                  


     3. Disagree                                                                


     4. Strongly disagree                                                      


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     6. Refused                                                                



 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                     




 By law, a woman should be able to have an abortion as a matter of             

 personal choice.                                                              


     1. Strongly agree                                                          


     2. Agree                                                                  


     3. Disagree                                                               


     4. Strongly disagree                                                       


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     6. Refused                                                                



 (Repeat response categories if necessary)                                      





 For someone who is convicted of murder, do you GENERALLY favor the             

 death penalty, life in prison without parole, or a jail term that             

 is shorter than for the rest of someone's life?                               



    1. Death penalty                                                           


    2. Life without parole                                                     


    3. Jail term shorter than life                                             


    4. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                     


    5. Refused                                                                  



 Which of these three options do you favor for gay couples: They should be     

 allowed to get legally married; they should be allowed legally to form civil  

 unions but not to marry; or they should not be allowed to obtain any legal    

 recognition of their relationships.                                           



    1.  Legal marriage                                                         


    2.  Civic unions                                                           


    3.  No legal recognition                                                    


    4.  Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


    5.  Refused                                                                



Question FDEF


 Should National Defense spending be ...                                       



    1. increased                                                               


    2. decreased, or                                                           


    3. kept about the same                                                     


    4. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                     


    5. Refused                                                                 


Question PARTY



 Generally speaking, do you consider yourself a ...                            



     1. Democrat                                                                


     2. Republican, or                                                         


     3. Independent                                                            


     4. Other                                                                   


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     6. Refused                                                                




Question TYPDEM



 (IF RESPONSE TO PARTY IS 1, ASK:)Do you consider yourself a strong or not so strong Democrat?                  



     1. Strong democrat                                                        


     2. Not so strong democrat                                                  


     3. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     4. Refused                                                                



Question TYPREP


 (IF RESPONSE TO PARTY IS 2, ASK:)Do you consider yourself a strong or not so strong Republican?                



     1. Strong republican                                                      


     2. Not so strong republican                                                


     3. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     4. Refused                                                                





 (IF RESPONSE TO PARTY IS 3, 4, OR 5, ASK:)Do you think of yourself closer to the Democratic party or the                

 Republican party?                                                             


     1. Closer to democrats                                                    


     2. Closer to republicans                                                   


     3. Closer to neither                                                      


     4. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     5. Refused                                                                



Question PARTYID

The previous four party identification questions will be recoded into a seven-point combined scale as follows:

Question SEATUSE



 How often do you use seat belts while driving ...                              



     1. Always                                                                 


     2. Most of the time                                                       


     3. Seldom                                                                  


     4. Never                                                                  


     5. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     6. Refused                                                                 






 Do you have access to a personal computer?                                    



    1. Yes                                                                      


    2. No                                                                      


    3. Don't know/Not sure                                                     


    4. Refused                                                                  


Question PROFILE



 Racial Profiling is when a law enforcement officer stops and asks a person    

 questions or detains them, merely because of their race.                       


 Have you ever been a victim of racial profiling?                              



    1. Yes                                                                     


    2. No                                                                      


    3. Don't know/Not sure                                                     


    4. Refused                                                                 



Question PROWIDE


 Do you believe that racial profiling is a widespread practice in Mississippi? 



    1. Yes                                                                     


    2. No                                                                       


    3. Don't know/Not sure                                                     


    4. Refused                                                                 



 Do you believe that law enforcement officers should be allowed to use racial  

 profiling to fight crime?                                                     


    1. Yes                                                                      


    2. No                                                                      


    3. Don't know/Not sure                                                     


    4. Refused                                                                 


Question COMMENT5


 And now for some final questions.                                             



                Press 1 to Continue.                                           



Question YRSINMS



 How many years have you lived in Mississippi?                                 


Enter 96 for 96 or more years                                                 

       97 for "All my life"                                                    

       98 Don't Know / Not Sure                                                

       99 Refused                                                              





 Which of the following best describes the place where you live?               



     1. A farm or ranch                                                        


     2. Non-farm rural area                                                    


     3. A town or village with less than 2,500 people                          


     4. A town of 2,500 to 10,000 people                                        


     5. A city of 10,000 to 50,000 people                                      


     6. Large city with more than 50,000 people                                


     7. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                     


     8. Refused                                                                


Question EDUCATE



 What was the last grade in school that you completed?                         



     1. Grade 11 or less                                                       


     2. 12th grade                                                             


     3. Some college                                                            


     4. Graduated college                                                      


     5. Some graduate work                                                     


     6. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                     


     7. Refused                                                                



Question AGE


 In what year were you born?  19                                                  



 Enter 00 if born before 1901                                                  

       98 Don't Know / Not Sure                                                

       99 Refused                                                               



Question RACE



 Is your race white, black, or what?                                            



     1. White,                                                                 


     2. Black (African-American)                                               


     3. Other                                                                  


     4. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     5. Refused                                                                



Question MARSTA



 Are you currently ...                                                         



     1. Married                                                                 


     2. Single                                                                 


     3. Divorced                                                               


     4. Separated                                                               


     5. Widowed                                                                


     6. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     7. Refused                                                                



 About how often do you attend church?                                         



     1. Every week                                                             


     2. Almost every week                                                      


     3. Once or twice a month                                                  


     4. A few times a year                                                     


     5. Never                                                                   


     6. Don't Know/Not Sure                                                    


     7. Refused                                                                


Question INCOME



 Last year, what was your total family income, before taxes?                   

 Please stop me when I am on the right level.                                  


      1. Under $10,000                                                          

      2. Between $10,000 and $20,000                                           

      3. Between $20,000 and $30,000                                           

      4. Between $30,000 and $40,000                                            

      5. Between $40,000 and $50,000                                           

      6. Between $50,000 and $60,000                                           

      7. Between $60,000 and $70,000                                            

      8. Over $70,000                                                          

      9. Don’t Know/Not Sure                                                   

     10. Refused                                                               


Question COUNTY


(INTERVIEWER: If cell phone, ask) What county do you live in?

LANDLINES WILL HAVE COUNTY CODED FROM FIRST THREE DIGITS OF PHONE NO.                                                                               



Question THANKS



 This completes our interview.  Do you have any questions about the survey?    



     1. Yes                                                                    


     2. No                                                                      



                             Press Any Key To Continue.                        


Question IRB



 If you have any questions about this research project, please feel free to    

 contact Dr. Steve Shaffer in the Political Science Department at (662) 325-7861


 If you want information about your rights as a research subject, please       

 contact the MSU Regulatory Compliance Office at (662) 325-5220                




                    Press Any Key to Continue.                                 


Question newbye



           Thank you for your participation in this survey.                    


                             Good Bye.                                          



                    Press Any Key to Continue.                                 


Question GENDER



 What is the respondent's gender?                                              



     1. Male                                                                   


     2. Female                                                                 


     3. Couldn't tell for sure                                                  



Question WEIGHT

To obtain a representative sample, the dataset should always be weighted by the variable WEIGHT.